Ministry Teams

“No one does everything, but everyone does something.”

Petsworth Baptist Church Ministry Teams

“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.”

Get Involved at Petsworth

As part of the vision of our church, we believe that every member should be actively participating in three key areas of life in the church:

  1. Gathering consistently each Sunday for corporate worship.
  2. Being a part of small group such as Sunday School, Men’s and Women’s Bible Study or Mentoring Group.
  3. Serving on a Ministry Team.
Since every Christian is called to serve – what role will you play?
There is great joy and fulfillment in serving the Lord as you serve others.

Ministry Teams To Be Part Of!


Set-up / care / operation of sound and AV equipment during Worship Gathering, weddings, funerals, Men’s and Women’s Ministry events, AWANA, and other special events.

IMPACT Student Ministry Team

Assisting the Pastor to Students in implementing our ministry to our Middle and High School Students.


Our Wednesday evening Children’s Discipleship program for pre-school through elementary age children.


Assist Pastor and baptismal candidates on Celebration Sundays when baptisms take place.

Building and Grounds

Assists the Building and Grounds Coordinator in repairs, upkeep, and maintenance of our buildings.

Chair Ministry

As a part of team you will tear down and set up the Worship Center on an assigned weeks during the year. It averages 3 times over the course of a year.

Children’s Church

Will lead or assist in providing an age-appropriate worship experience for kindergarten and 1st graders during the 11 AM Worship Gathering.

Children’s Ministry Team

Assist Children’s Ministry Director in overseeing and providing direction for children’s Sunday School classes, Worthy Kids summer ministry, events (Trunk or Treat, Fall Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, etc.) and other activities.

Community Outreach Events

Assist with community events Petsworth participates, such as Community Impact Day, Back-To- School Backpack and Haircut Day, Daffodil Fest, Halloween in the Courthouse, Christmas Parade, etc.

Computer (Technology) Team

Helps maintain and upgrade our present computer and technology that we use on campus to provide a more effective means of communication, dissemination and storage of information.

Constitution and Bylaws

Presently reviewing and rewriting our Constitution and Bylaws to reflect the present mission and vision of the church.

Drama Team

At Easter and Christmas our Drama Team presents biblical truth through a vivid on-stage presence.  The Drama Team consists of actors, stage hands, stage builders, and Audio Video participants of all ages.

Girls of Grace

A ministry to our younger girls during the day in the summer focused on Scripture, crafts, and outreach.

Gloucester House

Assisting the Deacons in providing a once a month worship gathering for the residents of the Gloucester House.


Create a welcoming environment for members and guests alike attending our worship gathering.  Provide information and direction for first-time visitors.

Helping Hands

Team to be available to coordinate meals provided for funerals.


Provides support through the preparation and serving of food for various ministry events that occur throughout the year – church-wide gatherings, and special events related to other ministry teams.

Lord’s Supper

Assist the Pastor in preparing and setting up the elements for Lord’s Supper.

Men’s Ministry

Plan and implement with a team of other men activities and events that will facilitate the spiritual growth of other men.


Create a culture of mission focus in the life of our church based through the implementation of Acts 1:8 in our thinking, serving, and acting.

Operation Christmas Child

Organizing and preparing (for packing) the gifts received throughout the year from the church. Assisting in planning and operations of the Packing Party that takes place each fall.

Prayer Chain

Receive prayer requests via the phone, praying for those specific requests as well as passing the prayer requests to others on the prayer chain.

Praise Team

Through instruments and song leading our worship gathering each Sunday morning.

Senior Adults Ministry

Provides support and encouragement for our senior adults through monthly gatherings and events.

Sunshine Team

Provides encouragement through visits, prayer and providing flowers to residents in our local assisted living facilities.

Vacation Bible School

Assist in a multitude of opportunities through planning and involvement in our Vacation Bible School each summer.

Van Ministry

Assist with maintenance/upkeep of church vans.

Walter Reed Convalescent Ministry

Weekly Bible Study and encouragement for the residents of Walter Reed Convalescent.

Weekday Preschool Substitutes

Cover classes for our regular preschool teachers that are absent.

Women’s Ministry

Plan and implement, with a team of other women, activities and events that will facilitate the spiritual growth of women.